Thursday 23 July 2015

To the mockers, 'Thank you'

The climate walkers do not march for the sole purpose of changing the minds of the people in authority in the coal issue; WE march to also let the people know that THERE IS A PROBLEM IN COAL [PLANTS]

During the first four days of the walk we have been met with massive support by the communities complete with smiles, waves, food, water, cheers, and flaglets. we want to extend our heartfelt THANK YOU! to those who showed their support on the streets. It renewed the strength on our tired feet and aching limbs.

For those who mocked our efforts and tried to pick a fight in the most ungainly manner, we also want to say 'thank you'.

To the mockers, thank you for responding. I am sorry to tell you that it was still our gain. Why? Because at least we know that you have received the message and we made you think. on how you would respond to that later is entirely up to you. Good luck.

To the people who tried to pick a fight, well, you know what you did smile emoticon thank you for making it fun and showing us that YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE A VALID ARGUMENT TO COUNTER US. Newsflash. Calling the other group crazy in lieu of an actual response is not a valid rebuttal.

Tomorrow is another quest against coal fired power plants and WE WILL CONTINUE WALKING! see you.

 CoRe Movement

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